My Awards Page

Wow!! Look what I won!
in SGM MessageBoard Contests
Won In Halloween Bash
Thank you Rita
Ahe 'hee ~Gaunja
Thank You Cleopatra
Thank You TimberCarver
*Wliwni* Speaking Turtle
'Thank You WhiteDove'

Thank You Lady Iris for this award
Thanks So Much Sequita
'Mitakuye Oyasin'P.J.

*Thanks Hacksaw*

Please Don't Sign htmlGear Book below!!
It seems GuestGear/Lycos are now dictating
which version of Netscape you must have
to sign or view their books so I've
switched to another brand of guestbook.
Please sign this one from Phaistos.
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My TinLizzie Site Awards

A Tin Lizzie™ Creation