Brothers of the Wind
I feel your presence, oh ancient warrior
As I cross this land of ours, and
feel the winds on my face.
I sense that you are with me and that,
we are brothers of the wind.
Seeing our land as I do now,
I can imagine how it appeared to you
Leaving me breathless in wonder, it
must have at times done so for you as well.
Feelings such as this shared,
make us brothers of the wind.
Riding upon your steed of flesh & blood,
and I upon mine of iron and chrome.
We both experience this domain,
given to us by our Creator.
And together feel a special appreciation,
understandable only by brothers of the wind.
You are lucky one of older times,
to have traveled it in the beginning.
But I am lucky also, to be
traveling near the end.
For we have both loved this land of
ours, as brothers of the wind.
Alike we are oh ancient warrior,
not only in incidental ways.
For we both knew that we were caretakers,
not owners of this wonderful home.
And neither will have lived to see it gone,
but by grace allowed to share it for awhile,
uniquely as brothers of the wind.
ŠLad Carrington 7/16/1995
From his book**Tomorrow's Promise and Other Poems**
I was given permission to use this poem
by my friend & author Lad Carrington
More Poetry By William G. Carrington

Harley Fans! Check out Lad's New Book 'COWBOYS WITH CHROME HORSES' nominated for a Pulitzer and available through Jarrett Press & Publications 'click on book'

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